Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Red Hibiscus

I make plans for each day on what I want to accomplish, a thought enters my mind and my day gets fuller than I intend. Here is a perfect example ...

I have loved the red tropical flowers of hibiscus for years now.

Yesterday I decided to get myself one and plant it. A small project.

Until, I get to Lowe's and saw large potted perrenials on clearance for $3.00 each!  The same plants that would sell for $15.00 and up early in the season.  I load my car with 9 new plants and large bags of garden soil.

At home in my yard I spend a great deal of time figuring out what will go where.  Thunderstorms are supposed to come in the afternoon so I figured I would wait until today to plant when the dry and hard ground was a bit softer.

The sun is out still, maybe I should go to the lake, float on a raft and enjoy nature while getting some sun rays.

There is something that just states summer lying on a raft in the sunshine with fingertips lazily dipped in cool and fresh water. The fish stay close and watch me and I tell them I like their ecosystem, too!

Splash. Sun. Write in the sand.

Still no clouds, so I think to myself I will get out all my gardening materials out of the shed. Maybe I will just plant two of my new plants over here. Well, I will just get this one in the ground. 

I'm really dirty at this point, maybe I will pull up all the grass and create the shape of a flower bed at the end of my patio. Where are those thunderstorm clouds?

Intense heat and sun, just finish the job!

I transplant plants, plant new ones, tear up the earth, dig holes, fill with fresh garden soil, water everything with fresh rain water I've recently collected and clean up.

It is hours later, my hibiscus is planted, so is a flower garden.

Today my whole body hurts!