Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Opened Windows


It's been one week since I've come out of quarantine and today is my first day off. Make that two, I have two much needed days off. 

The sun is shining and my windows are open. The birds are singing so pretty, I only want to hear their music. 

The grass is green and soft, the trees in flowery bloom, so is my heart. 

I want a lazy day today. 


I want to stroll through flower gardens and see what catches my eye and make it a part of my home. You see, I am ready to bask in the sun on my deck, to float in my pool with fingertips making soft ripples on top of the water, and I long for warm patio nights. 

Today, I refresh in my kind of way. 

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Unspeakable Joy


COVID was horrible, but the day finally came where I met my granddaughter, Claire.

There is something powerful and God-given when it comes to maternal instinct. Hugging my babies that I missed so much, I hugged my daughter, then reached for my new granddaughter. It's hard to see through tears, but I can still feel her warm little body as I pulled her in my arms, felt her velvety soft skin, the fuzzy top of her head, and breathed in her baby scent.

Perfectly, wonderfully, fearfully, and beautifully made, it was the most natural thing in the world to have her in my arms. It is unspeakable joy to have my grandbabies fill my arms and I was in Grandmomma heaven surrounded by my littlest loves.

Little Rowan called me "Grandma" for the 1st time, too. 

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Claire Amelia


Welcome to the world my beautiful granddaughter, Claire Amelia.

At a healthy 9 lbs. 6.6 oz. with blond hair, she is a little beauty and I simply cannot wait to feel her in my arms, breathe in her baby scent, and get to know her. 

She has a big sister, Sofia, who has waited as patiently as a 3 year old can for 9 months, and has called her a girl from the beginning, who I am overjoyed gets to meet her sister today. She will be a little mother hen. I'm excited to see what Rowan thinks of her, too. 

Welcome to the world, my beautiful granddaughter, you are loved beyond measure. 

Monday, April 12, 2021

Baby Induction Day


I just received a photo of my daughter smiling in her gown, ready for induction. I'm in happy tears to see her smiling versus the middle of the night race to the hospital in hard labor.

This momma has been praying for nine months. Well, really her whole life and regardless if she's 25 years old, married, and about to deliver her 3rd baby, she is still my baby, first. 

Yesterday, I tested positive for covid and it was the first time since I can remember where I just cried. Sure, I've had emotional tears, but full fall apart, that's been a long time. The timing couldn't be worse, the nurses felt awful, and allowed me my moment.

I may be in quarantine and of no help my grandbabies right now, but I do have the power of prayer, and believe me, this [Grand]momma is praying!

Thursday, April 8, 2021

A Happy Easter


I always like to change things up and instead of Easter baskets, I made Easter bags with energy protein balls and chocolate covered cookies. For my girls... I gave them each this pretty Easter pillow to add to their décor collection. My grandbabies, I did this upside down umbrella filled with things.  

It's so good to have my parents home from their winter in Florida and family together, because I have a grandbaby about to arrive...

... and happy grandbabies and naptime snuggles are mine. 

Sun Tea + Sunshine


Life is windows open, fresh air, sun tea + sunshine. 

Spring has certainly arrived in many ways. I am opening the windows to breathe in fresh air, basking in the sunshine, lingering in warmth of the sun. Flowers are blooming and just like my own gardens, I cannot wait to see what comes up next. 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Life is a Whirlwind


Life is a beautiful whirlwind of so many blessings happening. 

Easter is approaching, which puts faith in perspective, and means all the chaos going on in the world has a time limit. Spring is in bloom, so is a new relationship. My daughter is ready to have her baby and I am on standby for that magical phone call as I step in and take my grandbabies during the birth and anxiously wait the arrival and wonder of what my new grandbaby is. I'm already in love and beyond excited to meet and smell and kiss this sweet baby. Many prayers of a safe and healthy delivery are going to a mighty God. The snowbirds arrived home safely and it was just announced yesterday, I have been nominated for Salesperson of the Year 2020, again. I won last year, so I'm betting they give it to someone else this year. I'm just happy being at the top of the list though. Buds are forming on the trees, my flowers are popping, and I am going out of town this weekend with the best guy. I cannot wait to go on this adventure with him. I know he is going to be significant, it's been a beautiful beginning. We have upcoming plans and trips, which is exactly what I want in a partner, someone to share and live a life of adventure with. My hitch has been installed on my new SUV and this girl is ready for biking season. Like I said, life is a beautiful whirlwind.