Saturday, August 11, 2012

Team Outfit for Warrior Dash

The Warrior Dash competition is also a costume/outfit contest, knowing whatever is chosen will be completely ruined by the mud.

There are three of us on our team, one of my best girlfriends Dawn, my Mariah and me.  It will be perfect.  A. L. S.

I am going to make our competition shirts.

One of the deciding factors of spending this summer pushing myself in kickboxing, running the Monument steps, and playing outdoors constantly is because I can.  Mariah's dad can't.

His quality of life has been stolen away and he is stuck with a 44 year old young mind in a body that will no longer function. He cannot walk, feed himself, grasp anything, tend to any bodily needs or take care of himself in any capacity. His speech is effected and he coughs a lot with this disease attacking his lungs.

I have to stay healthy and I have to stay strong. For my daughters and simply because I am alive.

I am competing in Warrior Dash 2012 not because I think I am going to win, but because I am able to compete.

The three of us will be Team A.L.S.