Sunday, June 28, 2020

Fierce Independence

She may be 2 years old, loves dates and playing princess, but this one is fiercely independent and will struggle to frustration doing everything on her own with commands of, "I do it myself!" 

I smile in pride. 

If you laugh at her, in all her cuteness glory, she will run to the battle line and handle laughing at her head on, as well. In a blink. 

My sweet grand daughter, YOU are pure joy! Always be true to yourself and own your independence. Your strength is a gift and it will serve you well. 

This grandmomma will forever be on the sidelines cheering you on. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Rookie of the Year

It was a baseball themed 1st birthday party and we celebrated my favorite Rookie of the Year, Rowan.

With a baseball smash cake and all his birthday gifts, trucks, and his dinosaur pillow from Aunt Brooke that hands-down was his favorite gift as he rolled all over the floor with it, his special day was all about him. 

Rowan & Sofia's bedroom at my house is a bit feminine. I've had a few more years of buying pretty things for Sofia. So, I bought him this cute baseball mitt chair and his name in baseball letters for the wall, for a boyish touch in the bedroom.

Happy 1st birthday celebration, sweet boy!

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Linen Curtains and Cool Breezes

The best part of a lazy Sunday afternoon when it is 78 degrees and sunny out, is knowing the sun is hot on your skin if you want it to be, yet indoors with the windows open with a cool breeze, it's cool with the hum of a fan moving the air to perfection.

I'm exhausted, it's been a busy week and a busy weekend. I am happy to just be at home, where my flowers are beautiful, my yard mowed and perfect, and my pool is officially open for swimming tomorrow! 

There are so many choices and things I can be doing right now, yet peace is saying, I just want to be still, relax and refresh today. 

I am so in love with my new linen curtains. An airy veil of privacy without being clanky, heavy and dark, compliments the soft and romantic shabby chic look both inside my home and outside in my yard.

Pretty pink flowers bursting in my ground cover and my roses opened in pale pink, hot pink and reds, as my dark purple Iris's are losing their bloom. It's another day in my yard in floral surprise. 

Happy, happy 1st birthday wishes to my sweet grandson, Rowan. 

Being a mom to daughter's, he is my first experience with a little boy, and what a joy he is! Happy, passive, snugly and sweet, he is definitely a momma's boy, and loves to be held, laugh, and beelines to climb my stairs. 

His 1st year went by so fast. 

Yesterday was my nephew, Nathan's, graduation party, he is off to OSU in August. 

As time goes by so quickly, June is a wonderful month of summer just beginning. I'm moved, I'm settled, and summer is here. My heart is grateful and full, and I'm officially, spoken into the universe, really ready for the first time in years to starting dating again.