Sunday, August 12, 2012

Bridges of Madison County

I love the deeply moving love story Bridges of Madison County.  My heart aches for Francesca, the married but lonely Italian woman who meets Robert, a National Geographic photographer, visiting Madison County for a story on covered bridges.

The two meet, fall in love, and Francesca is forced to make a decision to stay in a life that while it is on the surface okay it has deadened her inside, or to leave with Robert with whom she has found passion and the idea of love. The passionate climax of the movie is when Francesca is at the final decision making moment and does not open the door of her husband's truck and run to Robert.

I want her to choose to feel alive and love.  I choose to feel alive and love.

The movie is exactly what I don't want to happen in my life. I have had and have options to have a normal life with good ordinary men, but I know I would be bored to tears and resent such a life.  I think of Francesca.

Trapped. Passionless. Dead inside.

Francesca chose her path to stay with her family, but in death her story unfolds as her adult children read her diaries of how she lived longing for a lost love.

This was a movie. My life is real life. Sometimes I wonder why status quo is not good enough for me? Why a normal life seems suffocating? Why I choose to hold out for passion package complete? 

Because when that one person who walks into my life, takes my breath away and makes all of my senses come to life, I don't want to be tied down to the wrong guy. 

Maybe my Mr. Passion Package Complete is just around the corner. Maybe I know him now and all the waiting has been worth it. What if I trust my instincts and embrace that fact that God made me unique knowing I need a bit more in life.

I would rather live alone than longing for a lost love or a life I didn't have the patience to wait for.

"This kind of certainty comes but once in a lifetime."
                                                               - Robert to Francesca