Monday, July 1, 2013

In the Midst of Turmoil

I woke up to an amber alert at 6:00 a.m. today. Breaking news shares of fires out west, 19 firefighters killed battling the blaze. Fatal house fires on local news and more. As I read my three daily devotionals, I can feel the heavy hearts of all three writers talking about topics of stress.

I made the executive decision to leave my job last week with no job lined up or unemployment as an option.

I am on standby for a best friend who is struggling through initiating a divorce.

My phone rings and I wonder where my Mariah is to know how to get to her quickly if it is "the" call that her dad has past.

In the midst of the world around me in turmoil, I am happy.

I thank God for financial provisions set aside that I can afford to be home during this time with my girls.

I thank God for a logical mind and strength to not be afraid to walk away from a job with no future and dysfunctional leadership.

I thank God it is an early Monday morning with 70% chance of rain, I need to get some things done today and sunshine only says "get outside and play" in my mind.

I thank God for peace, happiness, and my heart that is happy in love.

Last night I received a phone call from one of my best friends who laughingly said how lucky I am to have a best friend that just accepted a job from the newspaper who's new position it is to meet with every businesses Human Resource person to post job ads in the paper and on Monster. I now have my own inside personal headhunter who has my best interest in mind.

Yesterday I reengaged in a passion of mine, I picked up another book on my favorite topic, women of the Bible series, Slightly Bad Girls of the Bible.  My favorite book is Really Bad Girls of the Bible, only because I can fondly relate.

I'm close and it is only me that is in my way with what do I do next with this passion of mine. Do I start a website sharing women of the Bible across the world? Do I start my own GoCommunity introducing the women of the Bible to a younger generation locally to open their minds to not just women in history, but the women from every walk in life God used on purpose in a holy Bible to get His will accomplished. "MEET MY GIRLFRIENDS!" Shouted to the tone of Patti Stanger's, "MEET MY MILLIONAIRES!"

When I think of my purpose in life, I think of my areas of strength plus my passions and how to blend those worlds. When I think of my interest, the women of the Bible is the first topic in my mind. It has been for years now. It's this still small voice that is the first to come to mind. What started as an interest, became a passion. What was a seed planted in my mind years ago has become 'you are ready.'

Every day we are afforded opportunities, choices, and different directions to become unstuck and change our lives for the better. In the midst of turmoil and frustrations all around me, I am covered in peace and my heart is happy in love.

The same God that has covered me with protection, blessings, grace, and favor through a lifetime of  storms and a few perfect storms is the same One who gives me peace, happiness, and provisions during this season of my life.

I'm thankful for this week. I'm thankful for time. A Monday morning with unlimited options for my future and a God who continues to bless a very imperfect me.