Sunday, July 14, 2013


Yesterday afternoon I spent 4-1/2 hours of constantly moving, constantly climbing steps to the upper level of his two-story garage and carrying large concrete blocks from the lake up a steep hill in sunny & 80 degree weather with 7 other people loading dirty garage stuff filling a large Uhaul.

Eric sat in his chair in the shade micro-managing saying "keep" or "go" to almost every item.

The filled Uhaul is the "keep" items.

"Eric, you are a hoarder and I am going to get you help!" I tell him and he laughs.


He is so lucky we are not married. I would have left him at the new house and gone through this two-story garage and picked out what I wanted or needed and moved only that.  The rest would be free game to an publicized garage sale then trashed!

What on earth is Kirsten going to do with all this crap?!  The poor girl has enough on her plate without figuring out how to unload her new garage now stuffed with junk she will have to deal with after he passes.

That girl has already earned her treasures in heaven and working on all her jewel covered accessories!