Saturday, July 13, 2013

Bonds That Defy Mere Coincidence

Last night I woke up all night long. I woke up feeling very unsettled, looked at the clock countless times, and even said a prayer of safety.

Today I received a phone call my grandmother had a heart attack.

Yesterday, I was sitting on my patio talking on the phone with her and shared that I am going to start my website on women of the Bible. She was so pleased, proud, and said, "You had a calling."  She said she loves reading the Bible and can't wait to focus on the women of the Bible and think of me when she reads it.

We had a good conversation and when I went to get off the phone she asked that I please call her within a couple of days. I promised I would call her this weekend.

That was an odd request she has never asked before, she knows I call her every week.

"Please call me in a couple of days."

When I was saying goodbye in Virginia last week, she asked me to come back within two months.

Short timeframes.

I called her at the hospital today and she shared her story of her heart attack. She said she couldn't sleep at all last night. She woke up all night long.

This morning she had a headache that wouldn't go away, arm numbness and her back hurt so bad that she called for an ambulance.

I don't understand the dynamics of when my girls have tragedies in their lives that my grandmother will call and say she can't stop thinking about my girls, are they okay?

I don't understand why out of the blue I was very unsettled and continued to wake up all night long, so did my grandmother.

There are so many stories I can share to describe what some would call a coincidence. I believe in coincidence, but I believe more strongly in bonds that defy mere coincidence.

I believe in the power of bonds and love so closely connected that you can sense something before you know something is wrong.

I would almost bet that when my grandmother's time comes and she passes, that I will sense something has changed in the universe before I get a phone call.