Saturday, July 27, 2013

A Sunshine Friday Birthday at the Beach

My sunshine Friday birthday began with a phone call saying he would be stopping by in just moments. A quick assessment [Whew!] had me thankful for an early morning shower and being semi put together. Pajamas will suffice.
Flowers, chocolates, and happy birthday wishes & kisses ...

The sweetest start to my day.
Before noon we were on our way to my favorite Headlands Beach for an afternoon away in the sunshine. The sand was hot, the sound of the waves splashing, seagulls flying, and boats gliding in the water in relaxing sailboats, power speed boats, and those who wanted to play harder on jet ski's.
Thank you for gracing the waters and embracing this beautiful summer day. I enjoyed watching each unique boating personality and share your happiness in this tranquil setting.
It really is a most perfect day.
It was being with him though, alone and away that made this sunshine Friday birthday at the beach perfect.
A perfect summer day drifted into evening and my family came over for a celebration on my patio.

Loud. Funny. Laughter.
I ran in the house gagging when my brother ate a cricket at a $10 dare. Caught on video on my iPhone, I still cannot watch it.
I wanted this red ice bucket as the perfect "splash of red" in all patio parties, grill outs and bonfires. Visions of this filled with ice and easy to grab ice cold beverages ready to be consumed.

Just when turning 43 seems to be a most happy memory in my mind, after a month long of working out and playing hard every day in the sunshine, it is finally realized by my body ... I've crossed this stubborn plateau threshold and lost my first couple pounds.
Oh 43, I do welcome you.