Thursday, July 4, 2013


I am not a knee-jerk reaction girl; rather, a logically thinking, well-thought out before moving forward in every decision choice maker.

Saying that, I am constantly putting my finger on my own pulse to make sure I am in the right place, at the right time, ensuring I made the right decision.

Unexpected provisions in different directions continue to bless and amaze me. Here are a few random examples. Hey, I'm a signs girl and pay very close attention to the heartbeats, blinks, and transactions in my life.

The total of my groceries at the store, extra surprisingly low.

For his birthday, I bought my dad several pieces to a grilling set, stuff I would love to have, because he is a master griller. My parents typically return/exchange every gift my brother and I buy and this birthday was no different. 

They return the grilling pieces to World Market and cannot find anything they like, but a bottle of olive oil. I get the credit of the gift card back, minus the olive oil with a "thanks, but we don't need it and don't see anything we like." 

The other day I go to World Market and pick up the very same pieces for me. At check out, I have $12.00 left on credit thanks to 30% off on summer items.

In the mail I get a 10% off coupon, plus a $10 off anything Happy Birthday coupon, because my birthday is this month. Well, I really want a picnic basket so I go in yesterday and find a perfect insulated picnic basket all-inclusive with a picnic blanket (plastic on the bottom side) marked 25% off on the stores summer sale, plus my 10% off, plus my $10 off, and my prized picnic basket is only $7.00. 

Now I have the grilling set I wanted, plus my picnic basket, and still $5.00 on a gift card I can't seem get rid of. 

I know that sounds silly.

Stick with me here ... then, I face paying my bills with my last paycheck and I should have nothing left. Check. Double check. I have enough to get me through the end of summer without tapping into savings.

When I need supply to meet means, provisions fall on me like a gentle rain.

My senses are heightened and I am aware when I am being provided for. Not by my own natural ability, but by letting God take over and trusting that He will provide.

I hand it over up front and smile at His creativity.

When I step down from control in my own life, I give God the opportunity to be everything He is.

The author of creativity. Witty. Thoughtful. Warm. Loving. Fun. In full control and power.

I believe many think of God has distant and questionably found in prayer. Rules and laws challenging to live by. The wrath of God.

I know my God to wait patiently for me to let Him show His love and power in my life. One who understands and loves beyond measure this girl already knowing my motives are pure, but my methods are often questionable ways.

He is my Provider. He is my provisions.