Saturday, July 20, 2013

Picnic At the Beach

The sun was hot, he is smokin' hot, and his feet were on fire in the sand!

We had just arrived at the beach for a picnic & ambiance when he realized he forgot his sandals. Hopping from shady spot to shady spot to get to the picnic table, he feet were burning on the fire-hot sand. All I could do was laugh.

I'm certain the sand was hotter than walking on coals. I'm positive its was the hottest surface he had ever walked on but with each emphasis on hot he tried to explain, I could only laugh harder.

It was a perfect day. A perfect setting.

Our 1st picnic with my new prized picnic basket all-inclusive with fried chicken, sushi, watermelon & pineapple, and a chocolate truffle for dessert.

A sandy beach with sand dunes, a short getaway from home to a tranquil oceanesque setting with this most amazing guy.  I couldn't wait to introduce to him my last summers greatest find and he acknowledged its beauty.

For a brief few hours it felt like a beach vacation.

The seagulls played in the air and we strolled along the beach walking in the water holding hands.

A perfect afternoon.