Thursday, July 18, 2013


It is mid-summertime and I love it.  It is smokin' hot outside and I mean HOT!

Almost too hot to do any activity outside, but I say do it and sweat anyway. Take a shower.

Hot days, warm nights. It is pure summer romance being on the back of a bike on a warm summer night in a sundress feeling the warm breeze, riding by the water, and feeling someone so special against you.

Parks filled with those who brave the heat to embrace their fun. I'm glad your there.

The Monument steps alive with runners and walkers conquering its massive stairs regardless of the heat. My applause to each of you.

Girlfriend time and lots of it. Lunch out with a girlfriend is just a staple in female friendships. Outdoor patios at Starbucks for a beverage and conversation is the perfect ambiance to share secrets of our lives and our hearts. To walk in the park with a girlfriend in the sunshine is a much healthier alternative to senseless shopping or sitting in a bar.

Walking in the parks and running the Monument steps with my Mariah is our sharing time. I hear her heart, her dreams, and every details of her life. It is a healthy hobby we share together and a perfect setting for mommy & daughter conversations.

Ahhhhh ... gardens. To be in a setting where everywhere you look there is beauty. This years family membership theme is botanical gardens. My favorite. To walk in gardens holding hands with the guy I adore surrounded by flowers. Perfect.

It's summertime. Get outside. It's okay, start sweating. Just get moving.