Saturday, February 12, 2011



A noun in the dictionary, defined as:

·        the state or quality of being physically or mentally strong
·        the ability to withstand or exert great force, stress, or pressure
·        something that is regarded as being a beneficial a source of power.

Strength … an interesting word.

Its synonyms:    courage, energy, hardiness, health, might, nerve, power, security, soundness, stability, substance, toughness, vitality.

It’s Friday night, it’s been a bad day.  Not many days knock everything out of me, but today did.

Brooke has her friend Paige spending the night and I have been told by Brooke that I can use the lower-level suite as my space tonight.  Works for me!

A glass of wine, a chocolate crunch bar out of Brooke’s Valentine’s party bag, and a book.  My first piece of food after 6:00 p.m. in over a month.  Comfort.

Honestly, I can’t wait to crawl into my warm flannel sheets and get today over.  Me time.

I’m reading my book, sipping wine, and loving the chocolate!  I come to a new chapter, Strength.  I’m intrigued. 

I like the word, but how is the author going to define and enhance it into a chapter?

I want to share …

The longevity of love’s function will be highly dependent on strength – not feelings, not thoughts, not the opinions of others.  What will make love work and last is your commitment, and that will require strength.

There is nothing warm and fuzzy about strength. It is hard, and it must remain conditioned and ready to operate when all else fails.

Strength is something you decide to use. It must be exercised. Discipline builds strength. So does letting your partner stretch you beyond your comfort zone emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically; persisting through trials and differences allowing yourself to be humbled and broken by what you choose to go through with your partner. All of these experiences make you stronger.

To give up at the first sign of difficulty or irritation does nothing to build the sorely needed elements of strength. Strength inevitably nurtures the endurance that is necessary to sustain love long-term.

God created love to last, to endure the rough patches, to grow and flourish from the heat of trial and tears of disappointment. Love was designed to withstand all external elements and internal meltdowns, emerging victorious in spite of negativity. Love can triumph if strength is in place.

When strength is blindsided by loud and overwhelming situations – in a quiet place, strength is able to restore.

If your strength has failed, get quiet. Be confident that God has you covered, and recover from whatever is sapping your energy and keeping you from doing the work it takes to progress.

You can’t problem-solve effectively or look at the situation objectively if you’re running around with your hair on fire. 

Allow His still, small voice to give you direction on what to do next.  Knowing He is with you gives you confidence and courage, strengthening you.

When operating a full power, strength does not yield to pressure or break under rejection, false accusations, or any other external afflictions. The strength part makes you strong enough to die to your own demands in order to pursue peace. Strength is disciplined to the point of meekness, which is merely power under control. It truly requires more strength to refrain from demanding your own way when you know you could have it.

I am in a quiet place. Recovering.