Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Groundhog's Day - February 2nd

In the beginning, not so long ago, someone I love very much claimed the film comedy Groundhog’s Day was the metaphor of his life. 

Like Bill Murray, waking up every day to the same day. How sad. That was enough to put me on a quest, because this is not what life is about.

Life isn’t about living the same day over and over.

Dawn is the time that marks a new day. It is the time recognized by the presence of light, while the sun itself is still below the horizon.

Appropriately named, I am one of those rare people that can claim to be an eternal optimist. I wake up to renewed hope & faith every day and I never cease to give up hope in something I believe in. I expect a favorable outcome no matter how high the odds or how grim a situation.

Grounghog’s Day, formerly Candlemas Day was a superstitious custom of predicting the future weather that began back in the Dark Ages in Europe.

If Candlemas be fair and bright,
Winter has another flight.
If Candlemas brings clouds and rain,
Winter will not come again.

I’m glad tomorrow is Groundhog’s Day.  In modern day tradition, Punxsutawney Phil can emerge from his home in hopes he doesn’t see his shadow … early spring. 

To someone else, it is a gentle reminder of what life used to be.

Every dawn brings a new day … my mission accomplished! J