Tuesday, February 8, 2011


There are two ways to approach playing dodgeball.

To my Mariah, an all-star athlete in basketball/track/baseball, she approaches the game of dodgeball with passion & excitement and the goal to annihilate the opponent.

To my Brooke, artistic and musical, she approaches the game from a completely different perspective. 

To Brooke, the art of dodgeball is to “dodge” the ball.  She does it well. 

As the night ends, Brooke throws her arms in the air, “Look mom, I’m not even tired!  I am the best dodger on the team!”  I reply as un-sarcastically as possible, “Brooke, some of the other kids played really hard.”

Two hours every Monday night, I sit on a steel bench watching Brooke dancing and dodging.

Brooke would like for others to want to watch her, a great opportunity to reach out to Debbie.  I text Debbie yesterday and she was happy to be asked.

In true Keith & Debbie fashion, Debbie came to dodgeball bearing a gift for Brooke.  Brooke was glad to see her.

It gave Debbie and me a chance to talk and share. Letting bygones be bygones, deciding to forget past disagreements, opens doors of wonderful opportunities.

I appreciate both Debbie and Roann, for their roles they play in Brooke’s life.  It is comforting to know they are both there for Brooke should I need them or she needs them.

They want time and ask to do things with her. They love her, because they loved Keith. 

Next Monday, Mariah gets to watch Brooke play for the first time, since basketball season is coming to an end.  I look forward to watching Brookie with Mariah, as we cheer Brooke on, and smile at each other at Brooke’s approach to the game … dodging!
