Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Do The Work

A dear friend called the other night broken and sobbing. Her 8-year relationship is facing major storms and potentially may end.  He is disconnecting faster than she can hold it together and she is basically falling apart fast!

She cries, “There is no hope!”

I am not the person to say “there is no hope” to!  I have had my share of trials that had me clinging barely by a thread to where I found my only comfort was on my knees in prayer.

There is only one person to put your hope in … God.  Know where to turn to and be willing to do the work IF something is truly important to you!

As a friend, I will tie my hair back, walk into the battle field and pull you out if need be. Or, I can put on the coffee, sit down and cry with you. Sometimes it calls for a bottle of wine!

Sharon Jaynes is one of my favorite writers/authors of Girlfriends in God. Today she wrote, Prayer should never be seen as a last resort but as a first line of defense. No matter what condition your relationship is in today, prayer will make it better. God can make a bad marriage good and a good marriage great. God's answers to prayer healed the sick, fed the hungry, stopped the rain, kept the earth from revolving on its axis for an hour, divided the Red Sea, poured forth water from a rock, opened wombs, confused enemies, opened jail doors, made leprous skin reform, caused the lame to dance, gave courage to the fearful, and raised the dead. Jesus said, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain 'Move from here to there' and it will move.  Nothing will be impossible for you" (Matthew 17:20).

I share with my friend, whom I love dearly, what has helped me over the last few months. Books that gave me insight and gentle reminders on what I knew, but need reminded of.  I learned about myself, what it is to pray fervently, and the true meaning of faith, hope, and love.  

I can tell this is a "listen-only" conversation.

Everyone has their own way to handle situations in their lives, but if it isn’t working, do the work and fix it! 

I search through my “For My Girls” file for a writing that shouts in my mind written by Marybeth Wahlen, Encouragement for Today.  She writes “Do the Work”, “I thought back to my frustration with the work I was facing earlier and felt God speak to me through this verse. Quit telling me how impossible the task is and just do the work, He said. Don't forget I will show up each time. Not so you can boast about your abilities, but so you can boast in Me.

Whenever I started to get discouraged or overwhelmed by the hugeness of the task, I reminded myself: Do the work—three little words that got me through one of the biggest challenges of my life.

Perhaps you need to hear those three little words today.

Are you facing a challenge in your job? Do the work.

Does your relationship need to be rebuilt? Do the work.

Are you worried about your ability to be a good parent? Do the work.

Are you dealing with a personal hardship that just seems too big to overcome? Do the work.

Are you struggling with debt and financial issues? Do the work.

Do you want to eat healthier, commit to regular exercise or lose weight? Do the work.

Is there a dream that God has planted in your heart that seems too big for you? Do the work.

Make no mistake: sometimes the work will be hard. Note that our verse today didn't say "Lay around and hope things get better." The challenge we face is not in focusing on how hard the work is, but in seeking the God who has promised to show up as we work. We offer our best efforts and trust that He will multiply them. We will see Him supply the words, the resources, the energy, the time, the patience, the grace we need. But first we must do the work.

I will be on stand-by, that’s what girlfriends do. 

I encourage you today, what ever it is that is truly important in your life, be willing to do the work!