Sunday, February 27, 2011

Letting Go

She watched the glass
     now empty
  badly in need of a refill
          her arms hung heavily by her sides
              too weary from her constant revisiting
                   of a task she longed for him to do
              he too waited
                   accustomed to her frequent attendance
                        he saw no need ot break a familiar pattern
              though he knew it was his duty
                    to refresh her
                        to fill her
   she had done so well
       refreshing herself  
              he now had no memory
                     of how to go about the task
and he wondered why her eyes were so angry
           though her speech did not give her away
 the distance he felt from her body
    when he reached to caress her
       left unanswered questions in his mind
          that he dared not utter
             afraid of the repsonsibility
                her answer might require on his part
      and so he waited
            waited for her to refill the glass
but instead she just stood there
                  with her arms dangling like leaden appendages
           looking up toward the heavens
 lips moving silently
      pouring out her soul
tears streaming down
                 until they overflowed the brim of the glass
and as she reached for it
          the unthinkable occurred
                  the glass tipped over
                        spilling its contents
               rolling out of her reach
         landing at his feet
 and she still standing
         not moving except
                     to see if her prayers had been answered
         watched him bend to pick it up
    as if at a foreign object
            finally a glint of recognition lighting his face
 he revisited his initial call
                                filling it with himself
                                  he gave her to drink
                                     and she partook of his offering gratefully
                                still looking toward heaven
                          and then into his eyes
                            now filling with understanding
                                as the anger left hers
           making room for softness in her gaze
                  as her arms regained their strength
                         no longer exhausted from carrying
                              both their loads
           with one arm unfettered
                   she was now free
                            to embrace him
                truly her glass was full.
                                                           - Michelle McKinney Hammond