Monday, July 2, 2018

Last Day on Walbrook

It's my last day on Walbrook and as my home is being boxed up, I want my last morning to be my normal.

Coffee made and in my favorite mug, the windows open, the Today Show on mute (I like to look up and see what topics they are discussing, not necessarily hear it), my home quiet with the wind chime playing a tune in the breeze, the birds chirping, and my laptop on my lap.

Everything is about to be boxed and it still feels surreal.

Time is a vapor and the nostalgia of memories from my girls being little (3 & 7 yrs old) to now, fill my thoughts. This home served is purpose well and I am grateful.

To think the next time I blog, will be in my new place and between now and then a lot of moving is going to happen. I'm ready!

Thank you, God, for my home on Walbrook.