Friday, July 6, 2018

Normal Isn't Our Anchor

Last night as I was sleeping and I heard the thunder roll. Perfect!

Opening my bedroom window, saw a flash of lightning, heard its powerful crack and listened to the rain pour for only seconds before I was in a deep slumber. Oh, how I missed this!

My home was a ranch, all windows on the first floor, and for chicken/safety sake I kept all windows shut at night. On the 3rd floor here, I sleep peacefully with my windows completely open.

I continue to find fun and new details with my luxury apartment.

Yesterday, Direct TV came out to install cable. I told them where I lived, they obviously didn't listen and sent a technician out to put a satellite on the roof. Not here. So, he said I'd have to switch to AT&T. I had bought one of those 8" x 11" flat satellite pads that goes against the wall for $35 months ago when I wanted to drop cable bills. I found out due to the airport a couple miles away, located between the radio stations and my home, satellites didn't work well. I saved it for here.

Hmmm, what if it works here (living on the other side of the airport). It does!! Bye bye cable bills. Thank you, Jesus! I have over 20 television stations, my favorite main stations in perfect HD.

Just when I was getting close to property taxes being due, I was relieved when I fell a couple weeks inside the window of the new home owners have to pay the taxes due July 5th. Then, yesterday, I get a check in the mail, I have no idea why, but not only did I not have to pay upcoming property tax, they reimbursed me for almost six (6) months worth!

A second check in the mail arrived yesterday. I paid off my credit card when I sold my home and I obviously overpaid by $193, they reimbursed me over payment.

I don't know how it happens, but I thanked the One who can make anything happen!

So many blessings and falling in love with my new normal, I read the neatest devotional this morning from Encouragement for Today. It was titled Adjusting to a New Normal, "If your on the cusp of a new normal, you won't always know exactly what to do. At some point, you'll celebrate those past seasons and all that they held, but you'll also embrace the adventure of the new season ahead. Normal isn't our guide. It's not our anchor. Our connection with God is."

Normal changes, God doesn't.

Today is my first not busy day. No moving or unpacking, all decor is up, the home on Walbrook is officially the new home owners, and I have television.

Just in time for the weekend.