Friday, June 29, 2018

Not For the Faint of Heart

In the midst of selling my home, a move in less than one week, I lost my job.

Blessings come in disguises and sometimes they say a door needs to shut before another opens. In my case, I have been looking, but because of the move, I haven't been aggressively looking. My plan was to keep this job until I moved.

I loved my job, the girls I worked with and my schedule. The doctor has a horrible reputation in the community, people snicker at the mention of his name, and he leads his practice in the same way. High staff turnover every 6 months to 1 year, oftentimes entire teams walking out on him the same day.

To have the American dream, yet he acts as if he is a bear with his foot in a trap. A miserable, nasty, snarling, little man.

I refuse to grapple with him. He loves to attack and have staff be combative, he walks away smirking, and the fools who grapple with him wear a badge of honor as if they can keep up. No, you are lowering your standards and falling into his trap, conforming to his dysfunction and trying to make it work by playing his game.

Do not answer a fool according to his folly,
or you yourself will be just like him.
- Proverbs 26:4

A fool remains a fool whether he is answered or not. Those who try to answer them will simply stoop to their level. 

I do not like him, he didn't like me.

Timing perfect.

Now I have the gift of time.

Time to move my household, bask in summer, to enjoy being poolside at my residence for the first time in my life, and time to take the trips I have been wanting to take and do the activities I've wanted to do, but didn't have time for.

Blessings come in disguises and God can use whomever He wants, good or hateful, to accomplish blessings in another's life. He's just that awesome!

My journey in life would cripple the faint of heart. It certainly makes some nervous, but I always end up in a better place.

My life is open.

I am not bound by the chains of stuck, fear, pigeon-holed into one specific field of employment, or the limited mentality of this is how it has to be. Life is limitless.

My life journey has been everything I never anticipated or expected it to be. The twists and turns when I was younger left me dizzy. Now that I am older, I can see God through my whole journey and I open my heart, my eyes, and my life to what He has planned that comes next. He already knows. I simply need to have faith, dance and twirl in the sunshine gift of summertime, refresh and be ready for what comes next.

WARNING: Not for the faint of heart.