Sunday, July 8, 2018


I'm sitting on my balcony, drinking coffee in the sunshine blogging a couple days ago, just like I am now, when out from the apartment complex across the parking lot walks out this really good looking guy. I'm talking smoking hot!! Tall, large strong frame, super clean cut hair, well-dressed and tattoos.. My kind of hot. Rejoice!

Openly watching him get into his car, I was seriously hoping he isn't a guest visiting.

Last night when I got home, it was dark and as I was opening the sliding doors to my balcony, I see him.

What are the chances he lives in the apartment eye-level, directly across from me?! Only God! lol

Because it was dark out, his lights were on, I could see him in his kitchen. Okay ladies on the world wide web, what is it about a man in the kitchen that is very sexy?

"Brooke! It's him!"

"Mom, why are you wearing that?" she asks in knowing challenge. "Really? Why are you running around in panties and a tank top?" I knowingly challenged back. "Because I always do!" she safely replied.

Perhaps, its time to replace my comfy, favorite go-to outfits that scream "I'm comfy, who cares, I'm a grandmomma" with something much prettier, silkier and sexier.

Perhaps, it's time to get off this dating sabbatical I've grown so comfortable in. Lord knows I know how to step my game up with decades of experience. I was waiting until I was moved and settled and here I am.

What are the chances directly across from my balcony and bedroom is a super hot guy at eye level? No female in sight. Being eye level is conveniently fair game with a whole new twist.

Only God.