Thursday, July 26, 2018

My 48th Birthday

Beautiful floral cupcakes, a Coldstone Creamery chocolate ganache ice cream cake, and a Ghirardelli cake, my sweet tooth is satisfied!

48, I am ready for you. I woke up to sunny & 80's, sweet text messages, phone calls, a thick French accent "happy birthday" voice message, and a day completely full of happy birthday wishes.

Three successful meetings at the country club. One where I was sitting in a cabana for a meeting with a group of gentleman, competitors from Budweiser, Anheuser Busch, the House of LaRose planning the biggest golf outing event of the year. One that fills three (3) country clubs for a days worth of golf to have every player come back to our country club for the dinner and banquet festivities. 

One of the gentleman told me to get the signature of the gentleman sitting next to me, that he is big time. I will have to look his name up as I still haven't yet and don't know who he is. In the casual planning meeting I came to the conclusion I may be the only person sober during the golf outing. Each distributor asked what I liked to drink. No thanks, I will keep my wits about me! Someone may need to.

I was able to slip home mid-afternoon to spend some time in the pool, it's exactly what I wanted to do to relax. A quick shower, then I was off to the other country club to make an appearance at another golf outing banquet.

A successful day accomplished and ready to enjoy the evening with my family and I couldn't wait to get my Sofia in my arms.

We made a birthday wish together ...

"Here sissy, try this. Trust me, you've love it!" Guess who loves chocolate, too?! My girl has a sweet tooth and was kissable with chocolate all over her lips.

I love being your Grandmomma, Sofia. It was such a good day.