Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Open House

At the middle school open house last night, several teachers said, "Brooke is creative, artistic, musical, wise beyond her years, participative, shows initiative and is a wonderful girl."

They weren't just being nice, because standing in line waiting our turn to meet the teachers I heard many other parent/teacher conversations that didn't go well. Kids who talk to much in class, need extra help, doesn't pay attention and so forth.

I know Brooke is a good girl and I'm glad the teachers recognize it.

Once upon a time ... it wasn't always that way. Brooke was my chatty-cathy that was always assigned to the front desk between the two quiet kids within the first couple days of school as a form of control of her.

Every year endless talking was such a challenge for her that I finally bribed her that I would buy her a DS if she could go the final 9 weeks of school without getting into trouble once.  This was a HUGE for her. Brooke desperately wanted a DS like the other kids and I honestly didn't think she could do it. She did! 

Nine weeks of behaving was the ice breaker that set the tone for the last several years of school with good behavior.

After open house I took my awesome little girl to Starbucks for her favorite Vanilla Bean Frappuccino!

I am so proud of her and told her all evening!  She glowed.