Friday, September 7, 2012

I Choose Fun

Playing tennis with a best girlfriend yesterday, between swinging rackets, running, and laughing at YouTube worthy bad tennis plays she went into detail of a recent family day back home with her sisters that turned emotional and disastrous.

Three of her four sisters had their panties in a knot over her fun lifestyle. That they always see her having fun pictures on facebook and quite honestly, from my perspective, it was three married wives bored to tears with their ideal looking lives resentful of my friend living life.

Everyone has a choice in life.

I hear it constantly myself from young, single and married friends, men and women, regarding the high volume of fun I have. I choose that. I chose fun. I chose to live life and embrace every day.

Nostalgia looks back ... I remember back 11 years ago when we first became best friends. We were both financially struggling with low wages and the high costs of little ones in daycare. Our daily routines wrapped around nap times, bath time and early 8:00 p.m. bedtimes while working full-time as single moms and running a household. Dealing with pain-in-the-butt dads who had their freedom and often purposefully screwed up our every other weekend a month days off ... then add our own young broken hearts and broken dreams.

Multiply that by years and years.

Guess what, through all of that we still had the best time!

It doesn't have to cost money to have fun. Back then our social outlet was our Bally's health club membership which was our free form of babysitting while we kept in top-notch shape. We had sleepovers, went to the parks, spent countless hours at indoor McDonalds playlands letting our girls play while we enjoyed coffee & conversation.  Our every other weekends off a month had full itineraries that were planned and enjoyed to the maximum on dance floors in clubs!

Those were the harder years, but we look back and remember all the fun we had, the great shape we where in and the stories that became our own journey through life.

Embracing every day and making the most of it is a choice.

Everyday I wake up and think what is it I want to do today? Then I do it.

I brainstorm.

I balance my life between my much needed & cherished girlfriend time, my dating life and being a mom.  It's a balance that makes my life full and happy.

Our tennis conversation goes all over the place, but it had one grand finale ... we both hope our girls have learned by example and choose to live life to the fullest, too.