Saturday, September 15, 2012

One Very Best Friend

When I was young, I had one very best friend in the whole world. Her name is Charlotte and she was my one soul confidante from age 15-34 years. Life happens and we lost touch for years, but we happily reconnected last spring.

Years may pass, but time evaporates and conversation fills in what we missed.

Last night she came over with her youngest daughter and both our youngest became fast friends. For three hours we sat laughed and reminisced.

I cherish our friendship beyond measure. To have a friend from my youth who remembers everything. We remember who we were 27 years ago, our hopes and dreams then, through marriage,  babies, and tragedies to where life brought us to now.

Once upon a time to be the annoyance of one girl in 10th grade we referred to each other as "Sweetness" ... 27 years later it is still the term we call each other.

Life has been a journey from 42 years back to 15 years old, I am so thankful time evaporated and I have my best friend back to add to the host of best friends I have now.

If I collect one thing in life, may it be many best friends.