Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My Best Friends

I want you to meet my core group of best friends.

All of my best friends have a similar qualities that they share. They are men and women of incredible strength. They are polished, professional, ready to laugh and share their hearts openly. They are honest and will not hesitate to challenge my thought process, offer a different perspective, or jump in to intervene when not asked. They are my confidantes and my friends for life, simply because they know too much! *smile*

My friends come from all walks of life, different professions and span from age 28 to 52 years old.

I can't wait for you to meet them!

In alphabetical order because I couldn't put them in order of importance ...

Charlotte - We met when we were 15 years old in high school and grew up together through our young adult years, marriage and babies. Best friends from youth hold such a special bond. She remembers who I was back then, who I am now, and the journey in between those 27 years (the 80's called and they would like their hair back!) ...

Christin - The youngest of my best friends at 28 years old, we met a couple years ago when we worked in corporate America together. Incredibly strong, so similar in personalities, we bonded quickly ...

Dawn - My partner in all athletic outdoor activities and the one I spend the most time with, we met in the medical field 11 years ago when we were young, single, broke and with babies the same ages, we learned to make the most of everything. Today we are both single and always planning upcoming events and nights out on our social calendars ...
Jaime - The biggest 80's rocker you will meet even though she was born in the 80's! I met Jaime in corporate America seven years ago. Incredibly capable, competent and a single mom, we united professionally and became fast friends. She reminds me of myself in so many ways, always up for a fun night out, she keeps me 30 years young ...

Jody - Uncle Jody to my girls, we met in corporate America six years ago and even though we are the same age (he is older by 4 months and that counts!) and single, we became platonic best friends. We were given the opportunity to start a technology company from scratch and traveled for business together. Everyone thought we had a secret relationship going, but we didn't. We hug, we kiss, we say "I love you" as dear friends. He lives in San Antonio, TX now, but he is only a phone call away. With an ultra male dominating personality, we butt heads like crazy and at the end of the day he stands his ground as the man and I love that about him. What an amazing guy and total bachelor...

Karen - To know her is to love her, hands-down the funniest of all my friends. Karen is a rock in life, one that has faced countless tragedies her whole life. Unreal stuff that happens, then it all happened to her. Stories you can't even create and say they were put on one person. I was there and I remember many. Most recently, in 2008, I was the maid of honor in her wedding. Last year, her husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and lost the battle 4 months later. The next month she lost her job, she called me and said I am putting everything on Craigslist and moving to the beach and that is exactly what she did! Sold everything, bought an oceanfront condo and healed on the very beautiful Carolina Beach, NC. What a zest for life, incredible strength and a mover-n-shaker! Karen is always ready to run to the battle line in life ...

Kimberly - Don't let her polished, prim & proper looks fool you. I've seen spunky spice here snap, slip into momma bear mode and go after a large shady looking man that was creeping on me when we were on a spa-la-la vacation in sunny Scottsdale, Arizona years ago. We met 10 years ago in the medical field. Class, poise, grace, queen of etiquette, hostess extraordinaire ...

Rich - Bachelor extraordinaire! We met when I was 17 years old, dated on and off through the years and kept our relationship in the best friend zone ... some relationships are far to valuable to jeopardize. Rich, like Charlotte, has been there through marriage, babies, every relationship, and next to God knows everything. He is my inside look at the male mind and perspective. Totally GQ, funny, incredibly witty, he still strives to be the funniest in our friendship! I guiltily admit, he gives me a run for my money and if I have ever done or said anything stupid, it was in front of him, he has a memory like an elephant and never lets me forget ...
(One of the sweetest things I ever knew ... once upon a time Rich & I really loved each other in a romantic relationship way. He kept a diary back in the day on floppy discs and I need to remember to ask to see those. His thoughts written down about me back when we were young before life happened. My memory isn't the best and it hurts his feelings I don't remember details of the last 25 years of friendship. I am going to need him some day to help me remember ... I hope he doesn't try to say he was the funniest!)

This is them! The elite and core group of rock solid best friends and blessings in my life.

Life happens, thank GOD for best friends!