Monday, September 3, 2012

My 6 Months Leap of Faith

The "summer of Dawn" is officially over in my mind, thanks to September getting here ... finally.

I say finally because my cup overfloweth. I have done and accomplished so much more than I ever intended. I've lived in complete enjoyment and played at 110% capacity where I wake up every day with sore muscles from physically playing hard and not slowing down. I am also a seasons girl. Ready, welcoming, and embracing summer, autumn, winter and spring.

At the beginning of my journey of faith, it has been a journey of faith to be released from the golden handcuffs of financial security especially as a single parent with a teen & tween, I hoped for 6 months off and that is exactly what I received, I didn't know what life would look like. There is no crystal ball of guarantees.

Six months later ... I believe with my whole heart that every person should plan and prepare for a minimum of 6 months to detox from a hectic and too busy life and learn what it is that brings enjoyment and pleasure, then bask in it.

I believe there would be less counselors needed if each person took a sabbatical for a window of time to eat healthy, find new pleasures and hobbies in physical fitness activities, to rest and have endless hours of doing exactly what it is that is enjoyed best. To be outdoors in the sunshine, to embrace and appreciate nature.

Refreshed. Rejuvenated. Ready. For what comes next, whatever it may be. Still calm and confident that I am exactly where I am supposed to be in life.

I'm glad summer is over. My girls are back in school and I begin my own classes today.

I've experienced a summer like no other, yet I am fully charged and ready for what comes next. The best part is I have know idea and am totally open.

My leap of faith has been a journey of its own, one that isn't even over yet. The timing ideal. Ohio weather beyond the best in years.

Every day brings a gentle nudge of I am supposed to be right here, right now. My Magical Highlighter whispers it to me in so many ways.

"Make time for the quiet moments
as God whispers and the world is loud."
I have and it has been showered with blessings.