Friday, September 14, 2012

Frequent Flyer

The school called again today.

The familiar, "Hello, this is the middle school clinic, I have Brooke here ..."  I sighed (not in my inner voice) rather loudly, the school nurse chuckled.

"Brooke is fine, she took a drink of water but feels her throat is closing due to a potential peanut allergy she may have and she ate some pretzels today," the nurse states as I hear a smile in her voice.

Week #3 of this school year and I have been called 2 times per week and have visited the school clinic 3 times already!

The new school nurse remembers me from last week and my very honest conversation with her that Brooke is a habitual frequent flyer of the clinic. Warning her that Brooke is very creative and will impress her as the school year progresses with new ailments to get her out of class with the goal of coming "home" every week.

I have assured the clinic staff that I do not condone, enable or support her behavior. Quite honestly, I don't know where it comes from.

"Brooke is fine and she probably learned of peanut allergies from television.  Please look at her throat and send her back to class," I reply.

When Brooke cannot think of an ailment for the day or has exhausted the others, she likes to call home from the office to "remind" me of things. She will get an excuse from her teacher to go to the office and call me sometimes 2x per day.

Brooke's rule of thumb is, if they don't know her by name, she hasn't been there that many times. That's it! I need to have the clinic nurse greet her, "Hi Brooke, what is it this week?"

Honestly, this behavior is exhausting!