Saturday, March 5, 2011

Winter Formal

Mariah’s 2nd date was today.  Her friend Casey asked her to Winter Formal.

Much preparation goes into both a date and a formal dance.  I enjoy being included on these special events with my girls. I’m the one they want there to help them with all the special finishing touches. Hair. Toes. Fingernails. Make-up. Photographer.

Billy came over and helped lighten the nerves today. We reminisced about her 1st date, which was for Homecoming last autumn. Laughing at the 3 strikes her poor date, Isaac, had against him.

Let me back up … Mariah of course is very nervous being her 1st date.  Isaac, a good friend, pulls into our driveway in a family car with a DUI license plate. Mariah’s dad explodes before he gets to the door.  This kid is walking into a house with Billy & me, Eric & Kirsten. As he walks up to the door, he looks up and sees Mariah standing there and he says a heartfelt, “Wow, you look so pretty!”

I was impressed!  This boy asked Mariah out, paid for their Homecoming tickets, made all the arrangements with friends, paid for dinner at Wasabi, was a great date at the dance, and brought her home. He was a total gentleman.

It wasn’t his fault that the family car had a DUI plate that made her dad freak out.  It was the 3-strikes after that became Billy’s ungluing.  Isaac wore a baseball cap, his shirt wasn’t tucked in neatly, and he pulled out of the driveway a little too fast for Billy for him to join Eric’s bandwagon and state his concerns.

We are rehashing all this today and laughing.  Mariah is concerned that Isaac & Mariah (the other Mariah) will be a part of their friends group this evening for pictures and dinner. Billy is putting it into perspective for her.  For her to have fun and not worry about all that, just enjoy her self because she only gets these lifetime memories once.

Casey arrived and my little girl walked out the door on her 2nd date.  Mariah felt beautiful and she was …