Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Awards Dinner

I am so blessed to have such a healthy & strong relationship with my daughters. 

Sometimes I forget on how different it could actually be. Last night we attend Mariah’s Basketball Awards Dinner.  The event included the freshmen, JV and the Varsity teams and lasted almost three hours!  Ugh!

We sit down at a table with three other families.  I say to the one family, “Congratulations, I hear Laura was the only freshman along with my Mariah that made the Varsity track team!”  The family looks at me, then at each other.  “We didn’t know that.”  Oops!  I said my apologies for speaking out of line and that maybe Mariah was not accurate about that.

Clearly hurt, they sweetly say, “No, you are most likely right.  Laura never tells us anything.”  I’m trying to relate, but I’m struggling. My girl’s bee-line to tell me everything!

They open up to the table that they don’t know anything about their daughter’s life, she doesn’t talk to them. Another father chimes in that his daughter wants to graduate and go to college in California to get far away from home!  Another parent, I have never seen at a single game in years!  Our daughters have played basketball for years together and she doesn’t attend her daughter’s games! 

A father says to me, “Mariah is identical to you!” Another mother asks, “Does she hate to hear that?  Does it embarrass her?”  I was happy to reply, “No, she loves hearing she looks just like me.  She thinks I am super cool still and we have a great relationship.”  Now, they are not relating to me. 

True story!  I’m not joining there whoa-is-me bandwagon, our relationship is wonderful!  I let them all know that Mariah wants to go to college locally so she can live at home.  She has no desire or intention of leaving.  That Brooke wants to do on-line courses so she never has to leave home. Home is their favorite place to be.

All of this is wonderful with me; however, they will be contributing members of the household and I will be off enjoying my “what was supposed to be my empty nest years!”

How sad listening to these parents not able to connect to their teens. I guess this is normal for many families.  What I take for granted is truly a blessing.

I am so thankful for my bond with my daughters. They still want me in every aspect of their lives. Their future plans are to finish high school, college, jobs, travel, friends, and shopping. Both girls have their colleges down to a couple of choices. Both girls want to travel with me … mom knows how to travel well and have fun!  I’ve always told them to get good jobs, travel, shop, dance and enjoy life.  Boys will always be there! 

My daughters together have their own beautiful relationship.  Mariah put Brooke to bed last week when I went to bed at 7:30 p.m. exhausted.  Mariah filled in my role and did “prayers & happy thoughts” with Brooke.  My girls talk.  They sit at the table and I hear them talking about one topic after another, both engaged in conversation. They say “goodnight & I love you” at bedtime and casual “I love you” throughout the day. We are very comfortable expressing ourselves. 

Mariah still calls me mommy.  Brooke calls me mama, unless she is mad then I am MOM!  Mariah loves to be hugged and will stand in my arms at home or publically in front of anyone including her friends. Brooke is always right up next to me attached by holding hands or hooked arms. 

Both girls call me constantly from their cell phones when they are not with me. I’m glad to be the one they want to talk to. Both are a bit high-maintenance, but they are mine.

The three of us make a happy family.