Saturday, March 5, 2011

Bravo! Cucina Italiana

My girls and I had date night at Bravo! Cucina Italiana with good friends Stephanie, Austin & McLaren.

Stephanie, Dawn, and I met when our kids were little.  In fact, they were 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 years old.  Like stair steps, that’s how I keep track of their ages. 

As single mom’s, we helped each other with our kids and bonded as best friends over the last nine years.  I remember the timeframe because my Brooke was the two year old and Mariah was the six year old. 

My girls admire and value my deep friendships and have embraced their own. A priceless gift!

Last night Steph and her two kids, met us at Bravo!, Dawn and girls couldn’t make it.

What fun!  We ordered and shared appetizers.  Us, shrimp. Them, calamari.  You can sense I’m going to have fun with this.  “Brooke, try their chicken.” She likes it!  “Brookie, that is really calamari … squid!”

A priceless expression sends roars of laughter across our table!  The look of shock, horror, then the verge of gag! 

Brooke isn’t pleased.  I’m sure I will hear about this stunt for years to come.  She tells me she can’t wait to disguise poop as a brownie!  OMGosh, we can’t stop laughing.

Our entrees come after the bread & dipping oil, after the appetizers. Each of us ordering well and sampling others entrees.  Food is boxed up, there is so much!  Desserts are ordered and split.  Mariah is going into a food coma.

Laughter lasts for the two hours we are there with our friends, sharing story after story.  Good food.  Good friends. Good times.

Unbeknownst to me, Steph picks up the bill for the entire table.  A thank you for helping her.  She is just that kind of friend. 

Best date night I’ve had in ages!