Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Feeding & Seeing

I have learned a lot about God lately.

I experience and witness His promises daily and as I reflect through the years, but my closest walk with Him has been most recently.

As a natural “I can handle anything/everything” girl, it takes a hearty trauma to slow me down or stop me dead in my tracks.  That is both good and bad.

The good part is my solid foundation in my faith that I know who to seek and who cling to!  I can honestly say, I would rather have experienced and learned what I have than to not know any better.

I love the immediate gratification of God in my seeking him.

I love His subtle and not so subtle ways He communicates with me. He is a witty God. He is a lavishly loving God. He is a God that meets me where ever I am, any way He desires. 

It is a true love relationship I have with Him.  

I love seeing supernatural transformations that make no sense from my human perspective.  Answer’s to fervent prayers.

One of my favorite authors, Sharon Jaynes, beautifully describes today the difference in really knowing Him …

Seek Me with Your Whole Heart
God promised, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13 NIV). This is more than a casual glance before heading off to work or to carpool in the morning. It’s more than a hit and run encounter with God. He desires to speak to us through the pages of our Bibles and it requires meditating and seeking God with our whole hearts.

Jesus told His followers, “If you abide in my Word then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32 NIV).  Abide means to continue in, to tarry, to dwell, to remain. It is not reading the Scripture for information, but for transformation. There are many scholars who have read the Bible for information but have never entered into a relationship with Jesus Christ. This reminds me of the difference between the woman who memorizes a menu at a restaurant and a woman who enjoys the food. Only one gets fed.

Let me ask you, who can describe a sunset more accurately – a blind person who has read all about sunsets (what causes the colors, the time of day they occur, the effect of clouds on the hues) or the person who had seen and experienced the vibrant oranges, blues, pinks and purples painted across the sky as the sun creeps below the horizon and the rays play peek-a-boo behind the scattered clouds? I dare say the one who has experienced the sunset for herself.  When we study God’s Word and couple that with listening to His voice, we will come to know Him on a much more intimate level than a Bible scholar who has studied the words on the page but has never taken the time to converse with the Author Himself.

Jesus told us that when we abide in God’s Word, we will become a disciple, a learner, and an imitator of the Teacher himself (John 8:31).  One thing I’ve noticed through the years, a Bible that is falling apart usually belongs to a person who isn’t!