Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Life is good.  Full of magical moments, great laughs with friends, new opportunities that challenge & stimulate my mind, sunny days and spring around the corner.

In the midst of the fun, I miss the direct connection I felt with God during my sitting still. 

I miss the magical highlighter moments when I am seeking Him and He whispers back.  I miss the fulfillment of reading amazing Christian female authors who put words I long to hear in a book that I can pick up when I make the time.

I find myself making time again for the quiet moments and reading. It is my fresh perspective, it is my balance.  I crave this time.

As I find my balance, something else is going on. Temptation.

Temptation is not a subtle knock at my door.

Temptation is a spotlight, shining on a platform with a twirling disco ball & fruity drinks that shouts come and dance!

Temptation is embracing being single and living all the pro’s of being single to the fullest!  I do what I want, when I want, with who I want. I make my own rules and am accountable to no one. If I want to do it, I do. My freedoms are greater now that my girls are older, too.

Temptation is watching the Top 10 Beaches & the Top 10 Spring Break Destinations with my Mariah. A walk down memory lane makes smile.

My Mariah has asked for a couple of years now for me to take her on a top 10 beach destination Spring Break.  My going on 16 year old thinks nothing would be more FUN than Spring Break with me, her mom!  This mom knows how to have fun and my girls know it! 

She is pinning me down to when I will take her on a Cancun Spring Break.  Are you kidding?  When she is 16?  No, you won’t be able to go to the clubs.  When she is 18?  Yah, but then I will have to be in “mom-mode” which won’t be fun for me. 

Cancun for Spring Break, again?  I feel 40 going on 20 just thinking about it! 

Like a kid in a candy store, unlimited options and I know everything tastes yummy!

I hear a still small voice, “This is not the way it is supposed to be.”

Temptations dance in front of me.  Temptations are bigger when I am trying harder to do what is truly right.

“Lead me not to temptation, I can find the way myself.”