Tuesday, March 29, 2011

In My Arms

When my Mariah was about 1 ½ years old, she would come up behind me when I was hand-washing the dishes, wrap her little arms around the back of my legs and hug me with all her might!  In fact, she wanted to love & hug me so much she didn’t know how to express it without biting! 

Sharp little razor teeth, straight down, biting into the back of my leg!  She didn’t do it to hurt me, she didn’t know how to express her love bigger.  I remember feeling the sharp pain and not being able to shake her off, so I wouldn’t hurt her.

The same when she was a baby, both my girls. I held them, hugged them and kissed them constantly!  Both girls loved to give kisses and would often chomp down when they wanted express more love.

Fast forward 15 years … my Mariah and me standing in the kitchen last night laughing and talking about everything.  Every few minutes she would walk into my arms for hugs.

My beautiful teenager daughter, dating, driving, and still loving mommy time.   

She is telling about her new interest, a boy named Michael.  It is Spring Break and he is on a cruise with his family. He sends pictures of himself so she won’t forget him. He is a cutie!  She shares her excitement of him seeing him next Monday at school. He asked if  he could meet me first because he wants to take Mariah out, but wants me to be comfortable with him. I’m really liking this boy.

He tells her he wants to kiss her as soon as he sees her. She is a bit nervous. I love that she tells me these little details, mommy-girlfriend time.

She tells me about track practice, her friends and how she made the newspaper as a top Varsity runner. What a funny girl!  Her eyes light up as she laughs sharing one detail after another.

She comes and stands in my arms again.

I love it that we are friends. I love it that she wants to share all her secrets in life with me. I love that she is such a good girl.

No matter how much you love your children, God loves them more. That thought amazes me.

It is such a privilege being a mom.