Sunday, March 1, 2020

The Circle

Oh Em Gee!! I am binge-watching The Circle on Netflix and LOVING it!!

This Netflix reality show is a "Catfish" competition where contestants move into an apartment complex, into their own apartments, but never meet face-to-face. They communicate through profiles created on an app.

They can be themselves, or whomever they choose. The contestant who survives the contest is the winner and takes home $100,000. 

At first I thought this would be a ridiculous show. It. Is. Hysterical! 

The contests they play, the profiles they've created, and the different mind games they are playing to figure out who is real or not makes a super funny 45 minute episode. I am blowing through these episodes like wild fire.

Hands down my favorite contestants are:  Seaburn/Rebecca, his take being his girlfriend is super funny to watch. What a likable and funny guy! Joey, is such a guy from New York, but he is so real and honest and he calls it like he sees it. You cannot not like him! Chris, entertaining all day! Shubham, who cannot like Shubham?! He is the little brother to everyone. 

Not crazy about the girls, but Mercedeze through everyone a curveball.

The sun is shining and I need to get out and run around for a bit, but I can't wait for the sun to go down, because it's time to binge watch!

This is a show I would LOVE to be on! I'm not sure if I would go on and be myself or have an alter ego for the mental stimulation of outsmarting and out-thinking the others. 

Until tonight, Netflix...