Saturday, March 28, 2020

Heavy Rain

Given the opportunity to work from home or to into work, while I love the option, I've been going into the office every day. Still securing weddings and events, creating new marketing campaigns, and now doing all the things I wished I had time for, now that there is time. It keeps a good routine, too.

Ahhhh, it's Saturday and it's raining like crazy. It couldn't be more perfect!

What a perfect excuse to totally relax, stay in comfy clothes all day, and binge watch favorite shows and make new recipes. Total confession, I am LOVING Married at First Sight!! These dating/married reality shows are my faves, watching the dynamics of the shows, the reality show experiences, for me is entertainment. 

It may have caused a shift in my thinking as I haven't wanted to date. At. All. 

My life is full, my job successful and challenging, and time with my grand babies absolutely fulfilling. Add a brand new beautiful home I am so excited to move into and loving my solitude, I've had zero desire to date. Zilch. Not even interested. Sounds like it's more work than worth it. I've tried it here and there and find I quickly retreat to the comfortable life I already love. 

If I am functioning at 100% happy and enjoying my solitude in life, I guess the best way I can explain it is... I don't want another persons emotional roller coaster/drain, neediness, mood swings, needs that don't match mine, drama, attitude, games, attention-seeking micro cheating ways, them not being an equal, a financial disaster, unhealthy addictions, laziness, brats, on a different path in life, needy ways to pull me from where I am. #itsgoingtotakeamiracle

I am starting to open up to the idea though. 

I cannot imagine the man it will take to make me truly fall in love. Perhaps, once I move in and get acclimated to my new home, I will entertain the idea more.