Saturday, February 29, 2020

"A Surprise For Me?!"

Since Sofia was little, in person, over the phone, or over Facetime, I've told her how much I love her and I have a surprise for her when I see her.

Add her little lifetime of this and I've created a very enthusiastic 2 year old who greets everyone at the door with, "A SURPRISE FOR ME?!"

Woe is the day I came from work and walked in their door without a wonderful treat. She didn't hold back her confusion when I said, "here are some french fries!" Like me, her expressions can be read easily. 

I was pulling down her road from a long day at work and had time to either go home and change or run through a drive-thru to grab something to eat as I was babysitting that evening, when it hit me, I had no surprise. 

French fries are not considered a surprise and not pleased was seen all over her expression, but throughout the evening they became okay. 

Fortunately, there is a gas station on the way to their house that has ring pops. Four times the price as ones in the store, but worth the price if an emergency stop is needed.

Aunt Brookie, is always prepared with a bag of suckers. When Facetimed with a sucker in her mouth the other day, I knew Aunt Brookie was there. 

Sofia loves to shop. When she's with her daddy, she gets excited and says, "surprise for mommy?" Happy once the surprise is chosen, now she can segue into the real ask, "surprise for me?!"

Stickers, suckers, fun cookies, ice cream bars, and candy can be considered a surprise and this Ganny (my ever transitioning name) has created the sweetest, little surprise monster.