Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The Seas Will Roar

It's all over the news, we read it on social media, it's the main topic where we work, and it's forcing us to make our internal decisions if we prepare or not. It's all about the COVID-19 pandemic.

Yesterday felt heavy as I had to cancel/reschedule 8 weeks worth of events and weddings. The words "we may do layoffs" and "quarantine" have been echoed and I found myself watching the news to stay apprised of local and nationwide updates to see how quickly this is taking over.

It's global and oppressive. I could feel fear seeping into my soul the more I watched and listened.

So, I turned the television off.

I cannot control what happens, but I can control what I fill my mind with. I have the power of prayer and a sound mind to make smart decisions for myself.

Turning on Southern Gospel worship music filled my soul with reminders of Who is in control of all things.

I've already seen God's hand at work this week. Brooke began a new job a couple weeks ago and is laid off. She doesn't qualify for unemployment (unless this pandemic qualifies her) and as panic set in for her, she received a large check. An odd circumstance she dealt with months ago, that came to fruition financially now. Timing, perfect. That's God. She has another check coming from her grandmother's estate who passed away months ago. Timing, perfect. That's how my whole life has been. I've always been covered and she is, too.

We have a Provider and a Protector and we have the power of prayer as the form of communication God chose for us.

When the world shouts "Chaos!", know the mountains will bow down and the seas will roar at the sound of His name.

Stay apprised enough to know what's going on, then shut it off. Work like it depends on you, pray like it depends on God, and cover your family and those you love in prayer.