Thursday, January 7, 2021

The Light of God's Spirit


Breaking News bombarded us yesterday with the rioters at the Capitol and my soul was unsettled. Instead of going to the gym, I came straight home. 

Watching enough of the news to understand what was going on, I sent a text message to my daughters with reminders of safety precautions while tempers are supercharged politically:  Never argue with a fool, avoid crowds and remove yourself from any situation where emotions start running high, and I am a phone call away when you need me. 

I'm glad I left my Christmas décor up. 

The glow of the Christmas tree represents the light of God's spirit and warmth of family love. That's what I needed and I had enough. Turning the television off and turning my Christmas tree lights on, I may not be able to control what is happening, but I can control what I choose to put my attention on.