Saturday, January 30, 2021

Hit the Reset Button


I blame the full moon last night. 

Today has already been a series of annoyances and I am super on edge. They say no good story starts with "she ate a salad." As trivial as it sounds, it started with a hard avocado. 

I have eaten an avocado every morning for 10 months. When I cut one open and scoop out it's superfood content, it makes the absolute, most perfect touch in my bone broth and collagen protein shake. Then, there are the mornings where the avocado isn't completely ripe, in fact it's hard, and I go to battle scooping it out anyway and my blender leaves it in chunks. This is how my morning started... with an unripe avocado.

This is my first weekend off since Christmas and my first 2-days off together in five weeks thanks to wedding engagement season. So, this weekend kind of feels like vacation. Walking into my strength training class, the class is filling up quickly and someone took my spot. As a creature of habit, I wasn't thrilled. Then, walking into the class is the world's most annoying guy. LOUD, raucous comments and laughter throughout the full hour we are in the class, and I'm probably radiating annoyance. Do you know what else is unravels my soul... there is a women in the class who I believe is quite successful owning a business, who thinks she is extra special. She works out with extra heavy weights, but cannot actually do the workouts correctly, because she has to throw the weight around in order to lift it, cannot do the intense slow and controlled reps and basically cannot do what the rest of the class is doing because her weights are simply too heavy. She looks ridiculous and I want to tell her. Between loud mouth who shouldn't be in a woman's class and this women who thinks she's stronger than everyone else, my mind has to shift to another place. 

I think about a video message I received last night and I think about another & I'm thinking about Mango Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. I know I need to hit the reset button and I'm hoping this intense workout and the elliptical will knock the steam right out of me.

Three great things happened: In the locker room I struck up a conversation with a woman and 20 minutes later, she said she felt we were soul sisters. Sometimes women can bond quickly, I really like her. I hit a new record of 4,300 steps in 30 minutes, and wiping off the elliptical, I saw him. Mr. Bold & Handsome from the other day at the gym. He flashed me another fabulous smile, I smiled back. He was with his buddy working out behind me! 

Okay, perhaps the tide is shifting and the day is getting better. 

Checking my Fitbit to see where I am with my steps, I'm guessing, 7K, I look and it only says 3,700 total for the day. SERIOUSLY?! I had 400 before my strength training, that class I know I racked up steps + the 4,300 on the elliptical alone.

It's the moon.

Reset. Reset. Reset!