Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Mom & Daughter Dates


Mom and daughter dates are important. The three of us. Taking us back to our core family unit where they can just be daughters and enjoy a lovely dinner on momma and an evening out. 

Life pulls us in so many directions, in so many roles, it's always enjoyable to etch an evening out with just my daughters and have a date night. 

Walking in I noticed the three of us had skinny jeans, sweater tops, cute boots, and sparkling eye shadow. Casual, put together, and comfortable. That best describes our look and personalities. 

We ate at PF Changs. Nibbled on Edamame, dinner + sides, and dessert. There was so much food we packed most of it up and the girls both walked out with a bag filled and plenty of food and dessert for today. I passed my leftovers off to them, cheat-night doesn't need to roll over to today. 

I especially love my time with my girls. In 11 weeks my new grandbaby arrives.