Sunday, January 3, 2021

Neighborhood Jingle Mingle


The neighborhood Jingle Mingle was an evening of fun, food, and friends. All the neighbors walking in with arms filled with food and drinks to share, the countertops were filled. 

From shrimp to homemade stuffed pepper soup, to stuffed mushrooms, Italian meatballs, chips & dips, puff pastries and dessert, there were as many yummy beverages to sample. 

Sue's backyard wrapped in lights, sitting around her beautiful firepit, with music in the air, I looked around at the friends on our street gathered in holiday celebration to welcome the New Year.

A table with a new year wish to leave something behind that won't be coming with us into 2021, we wrote them down, then tossed it in the fire. Mine was an easy decision.

My home is surrounded by friendly, good people. Neighbors that gather together for an evening of celebration, eating, and mingling.