Friday, November 9, 2018

The Flutter of Her Eyelashes

Some moments are so sweet, I want time to stop.

It was fun having everyone over to celebrate Brooke's 19th and Alex's 22nd birthday. Presents for Brooke & Alex, dangling decor for my sweet grand daughter.

Wonder ...

      Look ... 

            Touch ... 

                  Yank down if you want, it is for you!

Minutes before, everyone began to arrive and my Sofia gets very timid when she is sleepy. She saw my brother and jumped in my arms.

It was the sweet and chubby softness of her one year old body, her baby scent with little arms wrapped around me tight and her little face buried in my neck that I felt the fluttering of her eyelashes and her warm little breath on my neck.

Oh time, stop for just a moment longer.

Poor Jason gets his feelings hurt and he spends the evening taking baby steps to win her acceptance. It's like groundhogs day with these two, but Jason perseveres and by the end of the evening he gets a couple smiles and a giggle when she's feeling generous.

Mariah had her doctors appointment that morning and heard a strong heartbeat. Thank you, God.