Sunday, November 4, 2018

A Business Plan

It always begins as a thought that simply comes to my mind. 

A thought ...

     ... intrigue that captures my attention I ponder; 

           ... suddenly, I'm on a path I had never considered before.

Yesterday morning I was thinking about a business idea. Let me back up, actually its been an idea I've entertained in my thoughts lightly for a couple years.  

About a month ago I started giving it more thought and doing some research. My ideas began coming together and growing in different directions. Without an open opportunity it simply stays as an idea in my mind.

Am I capable? It's an honest question we ask ourselves. I hopped online and started doing some research and the gates opened in a lot of directions where I was saying to myself, "Yes". 

Yesterday morning I am doing some research and becoming more firm in my mind it's a really solid and needed idea, but there is one person who could open that door given the unique position that I am in. 

Do I have the energy to pull this off? I mentioned in conversation with God, "If You want this to happen, our paths are going to need to cross and You will need to make that happen." I'm not certain I would really pursue it left to my own will.  

That was yesterday morning.

Last night as I am cutting cake for a huge event and guests were lining up to select chocolate, vanilla or marble, there he was. 

The Mayor.

Okay, the challenge is on. I had said a prayer, God produced the person, in the same day! He's challenging like that. My smile was for God's humor and the Mayor who I've had only a couple short conversations with.

I told the Mayor when we last spoke he mentioned something that caught me off guard, because he mentioned something that I was very interested in. I shared I have an idea I'd like to share with him.

He said to call his office to arrange a time for us to meet. I confess I cowered a bit here, because I don't want to take his time up for an idea he may not be interested in and told him that I would put together a business plan and email it to him. If he is interested, perhaps we can talk.

He pulled out his business card said to call his office.

Listen, if you challenge a mighty God who produces a prayer upon not a challenge, but kind of a I will do ... if You ... it's time to put my big girl panties on and follow through giving 100%.

God's response was immediate. I will do my best and present my business plan to the Mayor. If it turns into something, wonderful. If it is doesn't and it is simply a seed planted, I was faithful to my prayer. Either way I have peace. 

Me being responsive to God is more important than a business plan. If He wants it to work, it will flourish. If the timing isn't right or He has another plan for me, I've seen His work and I know I'm in the perfect hands.