Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Meaningful Moments

I'm Dawn. Most evenings you can find me sitting in my favorite comfy chair, in comfy clothes, with a cup of hot tea in one of my favorite mugs, binge watching my favorite DVR'd or Netflix shows, nestled in for the night.

It's how I enjoy winter. 

This week has been a blur of the things I want to do, but even from all the things I enjoy, after so many days, I need an evening to refresh. Sometimes you have to just sit still and recharge. 

A couple more days of hustle-n-bustle, then I will have a day completely open. 

Today I picked up my Sofia for the afternoon. At 3 years old, our conversations crack me up. Sweet, bossy, and determined, she is 3 going on 23. 

"i'M sLeEpY, gRaMmy." We played hard. She was fresh and clean from a bubble bath with her dolls, and with a full tummy from mac & cheese, I pulled her in my arms with a soft blanky. Nestled up against me, I watched her eyes drift to sleep.

Rocking her, I went to turn on one of my shows and changed my mind, love is in my arms. 

My sweet granddaughter, I held her soft, little hand and rocked her while she slept. Kissing her little forehead, what a blessing she is. I love our relationship and how close she and I are. 

Next week is Christmas and I love everything about Christmas. 

I find myself being intentional about slowing down to appreciate the little things that mean so much to me. I enjoy filling the air with Christmas music, and the glow of my Christmas tree and décor in deep, velvety reds. I love the magic of Christmas through the eyes of Sofia in her anticipation of Santa and the nail polish and teddy bear gifts she wants from him. I'm so lucky to listen to her heart and hear her hopes and dreams, because I am listening. 

I'm blessed to have her snuggled warm, happy, healthy, and safe in my arms, after a long afternoon of one-on-one time playing and doing all the things she wants to do, because she is a little girl and at grandmomma's house, it's all about her. 

I'm blessed to enjoy the things I want to do and to have time do do them. I'm very intentional about the magic of Christmas to my own heart and when it comes to meaningful moments, I don't miss a blink.