Friday, December 11, 2020

I Iron


There is something empowering being in a gym strength training. I can feel my body overheat and my muscles are  b u r n i n g. My hair is damp with sweat, and I'm not sure if I can do 2 more reps, let alone 5 more... then I do.

The 80's rock is pumping loud and I'm grateful for the tunes and my thoughts race all over as I fall in sync with the instructor. I'm surrounded by my barbell and weights, a body bar, a resistance band, and free weights. For one full hour, it's about me and pushing hard. I love this!

I look around the room at this group of women from all walks of life, but dedicated to this class. We meet three times per week and I admire their dedication. When something comes up and I think I will skip the class, I think of them and how good I feel when I am there. It is my time etched out during the week and I make it a priority. 

It's intense and I as I push myself to see what I am made of at 50 years old... I am strong.