Thursday, December 10, 2020

Culinary Skills - Part 2


When it was my turn to cook, I wasn't really feeling it. So, I went for presentation.

He was thoughtful and I actually believe more appreciative on the presentation. I made a delicious creamy vegetable soup as a side to dinner. As he was tasting it, in deep thought he shared he loved it, what did I put in it?

Let's be honest, "Water." 

Then I laughed. Total confession, no I didn't make. The soup came all the way from Tennessee in a dry mix where you add water and boil for 30 minutes and it's sensational. 

Infusing strawberries with whip cream is not as easy as it looks. Here's a helpful tip though, it takes a couple attempts to try to get it right, each screw up can be easily fixed by running the strawberries under water. Rinse it off and start over.

Sometimes it's more about presentation than actually cooking from scratch.