Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Wild at Heart


In the heart of every man is a desperate desire for a battle to fight, an adventure to live, and a beauty to rescue. In the heart of man is passion.

Every man needs to know he is powerful and he is a hero. Think of the movies Braveheart, Gladiator, Legends of the Fall, there is something fierce in the heart of every man. What would these men be without the woman they love? Lonely men fighting lonely battles. It's not just that a man needs a battle to fight, he needs someone to fight for. 

The battle is never enough... it's not enough to be a hero, it's that he is a hero to the woman he loves. 

Most men marry for safety. They choose a woman who will make them feel like a man but never challenge them to be one. They choose easy, calm and safe, then they are frustrated with her for not being more. Versus, the woman who asks a lot of them. A beautiful woman who challenges them to be a man, to charge the castle, slay the dragon, and live a life of adventure with.

A woman doesn't want to be the adventure, she wants to be caught up in something greater than herself. 

Wild at Heart, invites men to recover their masculine heart, defined in the image of a passionate God. This book invites women to discover the secret of a man's soul and to delight in the strength and wildness men were created for.

A girls first hero is her dad. He is typically her first love and the bar is set high for the hero she longs for in her life. 

A friend asked me this week, "Why have you been alone so many years (23 years)?" I shared, "I would rather be alone and have hope for love, passion, and adventure, then to settle and be stifled in a sub par relationship." 

Life has a limit. I want a hero in my life; a Braveheart. A man who makes the unexplained part of me come alive and my soul sing. I want adventure. I want to go be in nature, in the wilderness, places I've never gone and enjoy life. Isn't that what we work so hard for?

I want to challenge him to his core to be exactly what he was made to be and breathe hero into him because he deserves it. 

IF in every heart of a man is a desperate desire for a battle to fight, an adventure to live, and a beauty to rescue... If in the heart of man is passion, why aren't women being a strong part of the adventure, a grand adventure to be swept up in?

A man must know he is powerful, that he knows he has what it takes. 

There is something wild, strong, and valiant in him waiting to be released. A strong woman, a smart woman, recognizes the hero in the right man and breathes this life into him.