Thursday, October 15, 2020

The Hero to My Heart


*Not his shirt, nor a representation of what his muscles in it

When you think of someone, what is it your mind's eye pictures? 

My grandbabies for example, it's them laughing and being ornery. Sofia always in one of countless princess dresses and her hair wild. Rowan is always smiling, happy with his super blond hair and bright sky blue eyes, and on the move. 

When I think of David, it is him sitting in front of me, we are always facing one another and locked into hours of conversation. I envision his hands, which are large and strong, his muscles, and his shirt off. 

I like to look at him and touch him while we are talking. I'm not sure if he really understands it, but this is my perfect place with him.

He seriously looks hot in everything he wears! When he comes over after work with his SHERIFF t-shirt on, there is just something so masculine about it. He is testosterone and masculinity.

"Take your shirt off..." I'm not quite as reserved as I was in openly touching him. I'm talking running my fingertips across his muscles and his triple 6-pack stomach. How on earth at 57 years old?! 

It's just my favorite way to envision him. 

I said those magic words, "I love you..." to him. I never, ever want to live with regret with words not said. To live life and each day to it's fullest, I want him to know I admire him, respect him, and I am fully alive in his presence. He is desired, wanted, and loved. 

It's funny, when you're young, you have forever and so often hold back and play games. At 50 years old, I am a woman and I know what I want and I know what I want forever. I'm not holding back my words, words give life. Use them lavishly. Hopefully, he is okay with it, because I have a lot to say. 

I found the one who is the hero to my heart.