Sunday, October 25, 2020

A Bag of Chips


As an events director, I have repertoire of skills when it comes to handling a host of emergency situations.

For example, I know how to best  remove stains from wedding dresses during a reception, I have spare shoes for brides who realize they cannot spend 8 hours in their brand new beautiful wedding dress heels without their blisters, and last nights sweetest little emergency...

We were seven (7) minutes from the bridal party walking down the aisle. Let me tell you, there is a lot of excitement in the air moments before a wedding ceremony and just as I lined them up to walk, the bride and grooms, incredibly cute 14 month old, chubby with lots of curls daughter, started SCREAMING! 

The bride shouts, there's no more milk. I run into the ballroom, shout to one of my staff to grab milk in the walk-in! He runs across the ballroom, hands it off to me as if we are in a relay race, and I race off to the bridal party. We are down to minutes before the wedding. The baby doesn't want her bottle and her screams are rattling her momma, the brides, nerves. 

I asked, what about a cookie? She said no, she just had a graham cracker. 

Then... I said, "Hold on!" I run into the grill, yank a bag of Lay's potato chips off the rack, open them up and give her one.


Instantly, she stopped blood curdling screaming. 

I'm a grandma. My grandbabies loves potato chips. The salty taste, the crispness of the chip, holding the bag, she loved all of it!!

Baby happy, momma happy, let's do this wedding!